Friday, January 4, 2019

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the blogspot of Xen & Teebo.

This space is dedicated to the development of a story written by Zach Michaels and artwork created by Jon Reis.

This is a concept created by Zach, and brought to life by Jon.

We currently are working on polishing up the story and finishing up design work.
Looking to have this done from concept to completion by the end of April 30th 2019.

Our pipeline looks something along the lines of this:
Basic story outline done -
- This entails having the beginning, middle and end completed with a coherent and interesting story that encompasses the core concept of the story arc.

Basic art visuals done -
 - This entails basic Character concepts, monster concepts, props, landscapes

February 28th 2019
Revision of Story done -
- This entails rounding out the story, taking it to the next level, a solid form and fluidity of an actual written story aided by the revised visuals created. Having the dialog done.

Revised art visuals done -
 - This entails more focused character work with Xen, Teebo, Shu, and the Big Monster. Picking out the finalized look of them. More solid ideas on the landscape and props.

March 31th 2019
Final Story Version done -
- This entails all kinks worked out, having a full finished story, edited, script done, everything worked out to be sold as is.

Final art visuals done -
 - This entails finalized character turn-arounds for Xen, Teebo, Shu, and the Big Monster, landscapes and other things needed to finalize the pitch.

It would be great to have all of this done, so that way we can spend the final month of April to get the pitch done and good to go.

April 30th 2019
Having the pitch finalized, with visuals and story created. This pitch should be ready to be presented, no missing info or hiccups.
Looking to have a power point presentation with all images and story work finished and ready to go.